
a friend can't stop bitching whinning complaining
the situation is too often pushing her to her limits
she says.
the choices are killing her
choices available
choices needed to be made
needed to settle her nerves and mind
im sure we all have been here. the anger, frustration and inevitable tears we've drenched ourselves with.. because of the opposite sex.
ah relationships
what a terrible term to hear or read
when you've just broke-free from one
the daunting feeling when you've only just agreed to enter one
the illusions you go through when you're in between one
this friend
who i feel for
i doo i doooo
is in such deep shit she's literally talking shit
when she tries to make sense outta all this
eat shit. drink shit. sleep shit. live shit.
is her life
here's the picture: boy A is perfect. boy B is an ass
here's the problem: boy A is too clingy. boy B doesn't give a shit
here's her dilemma: boy A is just always there at her dispose. boy B is not, and the chase is just too beautiful to pass

so what now?
we all hate it.
even when others might see an obvious solution to this situation, love (or maybe infactuation) has conveniently clouded her slate of reasoning.

it's a common social rule.
the more you run, the more you will be chased after.
the more you vanish, the more you are looked for
the more you try, the more you want

so what now?
she wants boy B.
i don't blame her. the whole "if u want my time, call me and ask for it" sounds so challeging and irresistable.
so she's made up her mind. that her mission in life (for now) is to be able to have his time.. and more obviously
even when she knows that boy B chooses to be ignorent to her desperation and desires.
one question she asked
and which will linger
in her mind and mine
is why is he so blind to it all
"bodoh kan?" she asked
why is it that boy A can realise and do whatever it is that makes a girl happy and boy B is stubborn to fold and give in?
is he a coward?
is he childish?
i say he forgets. who he is, where he is, what he needs to do

"melayu kan" i say
"mudah lupa. lupa diri. lupa otak"

whaddya expect?


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