Anything = Happy

its been soooo longggg.
i've been occupying my time being caught up in the most ridiculous and useless of things.
well not all.
but for the most part, i don't see how it has changed anything in my life.


i found an interesting blog
by randomly stalking strangers from far off places
well not that far, this lady is from jakarta and she blogged about her eldest daughter leaving home for college.
it was so sweet to read bout how a mother whines about her daughter being so immature and irresponsible but despite all that feels like her world crashes just to let go the one thing that annoys her to bits.
and so it got me to thinking.
why do we get so angry and annoyed and so effing frustrated so easily with the person/thing you love the most?
its because you love her/him/them/it the MOST
it not that they're great
its not that they're perfect
its not that they're cool

its because they are everything to you. and they are nothing but wonderful things in you.
then you have to fuck it up with your expectations.
we expect too much out of other ppl, not for one second stop to think if we are ever able to give just as much as we ask.

its coz we're just screwed-up that way.

my aboh once told me a story bout how god created man, and how as god was just about to blow life into the body, the man started twitching to get up, when his life was only half-filled in his body.

its coz we're impatient that way.
always wanting something so much without fully understanding it. what more experience it for ourselves.

this lady learnt to let go that day. because she understood it was the only way for her daughter to discover things that she is meant to discover.

and she didn't and probably would never know how her daughter would end up. but she hoped for her the only way a person could for their loved ones.

that is to be anything, as long as you're happy.

don't dwell in your sadness ppl.. time moves forward and brings us a new day.. without fail. so why waste those chances on useless tears. wake up, let go, be crazy, take a chance, start something, love again, reconnect, find yourself.

and try to stay happy!

*god its gonna be crazy hard for me but i*


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